Hi, my name is Stephanie. I became a Functional Nutritional Therapist after seeing a Naturopathic Doctor who helped me heal from severe adrenal fatigue. Doctors had just removed my right adrenal gland after finding a grapefruit sized tumor on it. They told me not to worry, my other adrenal gland will take over and I’ll be just fine. After the surgery I wasn’t feeling right. I was extremely tired and had chronic pain all over my body. After making it through a day of work I would go home and sleep for hours until the next day and do it all over again. This lasted for months and when I went back to my doctors they said ” All your blood work is fine, we don’t have any answers for you. Call me in a month if you are not better. After feeling this way for almost a year I came in contact with a Naturopathic Doctor and she said, “Let’s test your remaining adrenal gland and see how well it’s functioning. It’s a simple at home saliva test.” She also looked at what I was eating, which none of my doctors had done. (I guess my diet of Doritos and diet Coke was not serving me well.) I went home and took the test by spitting into a tube and when my results came back both the doctor and I were astonished to see that my left adrenal gland was almost flat lined and hardly working. It was so exhausted from the tumor, surgery and poor diet I was consuming. The Naturopathic Doctor gave me a some high quality supplements to support my adrenal gland and give me the nutrition my body needed to heal: she also taught me how to nourish my body for health and get rid of the overall inflammation that was causing me so much pain. Within a few WEEKS I was feeling markedly better! No medications, no more extreme tests, and no more ‘I don’t know what’s wrong with you.!’ I was healing by using healthy FOOD! Right then and there, I knew I wanted to change my career path and spread the word that food is medicine. Americans are so sick today eating the Standard American Diet (SAD) full of chemicals and toxins at the expense of our health. I am so passionate about helping people heal from chronic health conditions using real food and diagnostic labs to get to the real cause of their health condition. I love working with chronic digestive issues, chronic pain and inflammation and diabetics who want to put their disease in remission. It really is so simple: stop putting the bad stuff in and replace it with the good stuff. Our body needs nutrients to work well just like a car needs clean gas. If your health is suffering and doctors can’t figure out what is wrong, I’d love to dig deep and help to you feel better and maybe even find the answer with Functional Nutrition.