Functional nutrition helps eliminate many issues with your body function by using natural foods and supplements, not drugs.

Functional Nutrition gets to the root cause of your symptoms

Get back to being you

Imagine living without the health issues that impact you

Many people just accept health issues that prevent them from what they love doing. We work with you to create a customized plan to heal, so you can get you back to living the life you love.

Common issues I help with
Digestive issues can range from small indigestion, diarrhea or upset stomach to major symptoms that impact your life. Functional nutritionists can help identify issues like lactose intolerance or other allergens to eliminate your digestive issues.

Digestive Issues

We help create a diet that eliminates inflammatory foods to heal your gut and absorb the nutrients needed to heal.

Diabetes impacts your life and can cause other major medical concerns. Functional nutritionists can help balance so you need to worry less about your blood sugar levels


Stop the worry by creating a plan that naturally keeps your blood sugar balanced

People with chronic migraines know they can have a major impact on how you live your life, but functional nutritionists can help create a diet that will help reduce or eliminate your migraines


Migraines impact how you plan your life. We  focus on reducing stress and finding the foods that trigger your migraines.

Woman who is suffering from any number of issues with her body and can be helped by a functional nutritionist

Something Else

If your body just doesn't feel right, you're struggling with energy or can't lose stubborn weight then please reach out

Customized Support
Stephanie Lacey is a functional nutritionist who can help with many issues your body may be facing including digestive issues, migraines, diabetes and weight loss.



Let’s talk about how I can help you

Hi, I’m Stephanie. I love watching the transformation people go through when they use real foods to improve their health. It’s lifechanging. If you feel like your life is on hold due to restrictions your body puts on you, reach out!

Are you……

* Tired of feeling you are being held back
* Frustrated with medications and side effects
* Exhausted after doctors have tired everything
Working Together

Step 1: Consultation

The most important step is the first, understanding what your issues are and how it impacts your life

Step 2: Identification

Combining science to find what imbalances you may have to identify the right solution

Step 3: Solution

Together, we develop a customized plan and ensure you’re getting the results you are looking for

Success Stories
"I've worked with Stephanie for a while now; she has educated me on the healing power of a good diet. Helping me to choose the foods I should be eating and the ones I shouldn't eat. Also, evaluating the dietary supplements, I take. She works hard to get to the root of the issue. I highly recommend Stephanie and Belly-Nice"
- Mike, Edina
"Strephanie has provided me with a vital service to help me work through my digestive and diet issues. She is knowledgeable and available for any questions/support/assistance. I have almost completed my protocol and I can definitely tell that her analysis was accurate. Highly recommend her 😊 "
- Tammy, Minneapolis