Digestive issues can range from small indigestion, diarrhea or upset stomach to major symptoms that impact your life. Functional nutritionists can help identify issues like lactose intolerance or other allergens to eliminate your digestive issues.

Eliminate the health concerns that impact your life



Digestive issues may cause an urgent need to go to the bathroom in public places

If you are suffering from digestive issues, you probably are aware of them since they have a direct physical impact on your life. When most people think about digestive issues, they usually think about symptoms like bloating, diarrhea/constipation, gas and heartburn but digestive issues also have other symptoms such as migraines, joint pain, acne and even anxiety.

You may be suffering from one or many of these and the symptoms may be different based on the foods you are eating. These symptoms can have a significant impact on people’s lives and you may find yourself avoiding certain social settings (lunch with coworkers) and isolating yourself because you are anxious about your specific symptoms. The good news is, you don’t need to live this way.


The digestive system is extremely complex and can be sensitive at times. Think about it. Everything you consume is digested and your body is trying to maintain a balance where it wants to take in critical nutrients while removing things that don’t serve your body well.

Enzyme’s, bacteria and other stuff all have to work together to give your body what it needs and if there is imbalance, that’s where your symptoms start to show.

You have your own unique digestive system and these symptoms are often a result of having an overgrowth of bacteria, not having a healthy microbiome (good bacteria) or other imbalances can be solved, we just need to get to YOUR root cause.


Testing with a functional nutritionist will help identify exactly what is happening internally in your body and will help create a plan to improve your health

There are different tests that we leverage to understand your gut health and the root cause. We generally test two different things.

The first is your gut health. By reviewing your gut health, we can understand if your digestive system is balanced and identify the specific reasons your symptoms are showing up. This gives us a foundational understanding of the imbalance.

The second is food sensitivity testing, which helps us identify the foods you may be consuming that causes the digesting issues. Inflammation is one of the things that directly impacts digesting health and by identifying the foods you love and reducing or eliminating them from your diet we can proactively make sure that you don’t have significant amounts of foods your react poorly to.


Based on what the root cause is that we identify during testing, I create a customized plan to help reduce and eliminate the symptoms you are dealing with and get you back to living your life the way you want it.

The plans we create together are non-intrusive and easy to adopt as part of your daily routine. Some examples of changes we make are taking high-quality supplements, eliminating foods that cause inflammation from your diet and consuming more foods that support the healthy function of your digestive system. Doesn’t sound that bad, does it?

Sometimes clients see an immediate impact, but usually my clients partner with me over the course of a couple or few months and once they are feeling better just do a check-up once in a while.