Improving your health requires a process. All appointments are done virtually so you don’t have to leave your home. We are up front with our clients to make sure you understand what to expect when you work with us and the steps along the way. 

Free Discovery Call

Having a great connection and building trust is important in the process. Our initial discovery call is a great time to ask questions about the process, what to expect and make sure we are set-up to create positive changes in your health and ability to have the lifestyle you want.

Our Three Step Process

Step 1: Consultation

During this appointment I will learn about your health history and current concerns. This helps me to understand what the root cause of your concerns may be and how I can further help resolve those issues. I also look at your diet, along with sleep, stress levels current exercise regimen.

We will identify your goals for this treatment and create a plan going forward. Any lab recommendations will be discussed at this appointment and is not included in the cost of this appointment. 

60-90 Minutes, $150

Step 2: Lab Testing (optional)

Getting labs is important to help identify your current internal balance and what you are consuming that may be causing an imbalance in your digestive system.  Most tests are routine and can be done at a local lab for your convenience. 

The specific testing options will be discussed during the initial consultation as part of your overall plan.  Labs are generally in person, but some at home tests are available. The testing costs can vary but are often part of your normal health care plan.

Timing and cost will vary 

Step 3: Solution

After we get your lab results, we then meet to discuss the recommendations and align on a plan to support your body and health needs that works for you and your lifestyle.

Most clients have additional check-ins to discuss their progress and make adjustments if needed. The number of follow up appointments needed depends on you condition and how much support you are needing. Every person’s treatment is very individualized and dependent upon your needs. 

60 Minutes, $125