Stephanie Lacey is a functional nutritionist who can help with many issues your body may be facing including digestive issues, migraines, diabetes and weight loss.

Why Functional Nutrional matters to me

My name is Stephanie and I’m a Functional Nutritional Therapist. If you are reading this, then you may have (or be going through) a similar situation as I did. If I had to simplify it, my journey would be described as Diagnosis –> Frustration –> Clarity.

Diagnosis: My journey with nutrition began in 2006 when, out of the blue, I became very ill. I was finally diagnosed with an adrenal tumor that resulted in the removal of my right adrenal gland. The doctors said I would be fine, that my other adrenal gland would take over all function. That didn’t happen with me.

Frustration: At this time, I didn’t know how important the adrenal glands are, but after my surgery, my life had changed. My body was on fire. I was in chronic pain from head to toe. I consulted with many doctors and specialists who didn’t know why this was happening and worse, didn’t know how to treat it. I can’t even recall how many different doctors I saw without any relief. I started to think I was crazy as they told me it was all in my head.

Clarity: Finally, I stumbled upon a Naturopathic Doctor. She took me off all inflammatory foods and started me on whole food supplements. Within a few weeks I was feeling better. I couldn’t believe it. After so much suffering, I knew I wanted to help spread the word that proper nutrition can help! Food is the best medicine we have to heal our bodies. It should be our very first line of defense.

Unfortunately, conventional doctors are not taught about the powers of good nutrition. As a Nutritional Therapist, I know how a customized, properly prepared, whole food diet is essential for any true healing to occur AND to prevent diseases from happening.

If this story sounds familiar, let’s get to the root cause of your illness and treat it from the ground up, not just cover it with prescription band-aids. Let’s get YOU feeling good again so YOU can get back to living the life YOU love.